Archbishop’s Certificate
The Archbishop of Dublin's Certificate in Church Music is a three year training course, run by Church Music Dublin, to foster and develop church organists who will be able to provide music regularly or even occasionally for church services. This course has been in place since 1991 with the first graduates completing the course in 1994. Since then over 50 students have completed the three year course with nearly 100 completing at least one year of the course.
The course has developed over the years with the current syllabus, detailed below, coming into effect in November 2021. This syllabus is designed to appeal to church organists of all denominations and levels of experience. The requirements are flexible, allowing for a wide range of choice in repertoire. Examinations are designed to give candidates exposure to a range of skills appropriate to their level of experience. It is also now possible to enrol for examinations without being a student on the training scheme.
Exams will take place twice yearly, before Christmas and in early summer. Any student of an appropriate standard may enter for any level (there are no prerequisites to any exam). For more information or to express interest please contact the Hon. Secretary, Jacqueline Mullen at

ACCM Syllabus
Archbishop of Dublin's Certificate in Church Music Syllabus, effective from November 2021.
Click here: to view the recommended reading list for students.
Click here to see a list of graduates since the course was established.
Click here to view list of speakers and topics at previous years’ Living Worship seminars.
At present the student pays €600 and the parish pays €500 for each year. The rest of the cost is met by the diocese through Church Music Dublin. Students also pay for the cost of music and books and for travel if training takes place away from Dublin.
Application forms are available from the Hon. Secretary