Living Worship: History
Living Worship Seminars: Speakers and Topics 2006 – 2022
Suzanne Chadwick - Vocal care workshop and an exploration of hymns and anthems.
David O'Shea - Organ registration for repertoire and liturgical items (a webinar).
John Dexter - Music for Holy Communion for small parish choirs.
Tristan Russcher - Accessible Anthems for Holy Communion
Ian Keatley - Anglican Chant Workshop
The Very Rev’d Nigel Dunne & Peter Stobart - An introduction to ‘Morning and Evening Prayer for Use on Sundays’
The Rev’d Jack Kinkead - Musical resources for Holy week and Easter
The Rev’d Richard Clutterbuck - Why Liturgy?
The Very Rev’d Tom Gordon - Why Christians Worship
John Rowntree - Singing in the Community – and How?
Bishop Harold Miller - Holy Week and Easter music and liturgy
Gerard Brooks - The accompaniment of worship songs and contemporary hymns
Archdeacon Ricky Rountree - Baptism within the Eucharist
The Rev’d Adrienne Galligan & Jacqueline Mullen - The Service of the Word and All-age Worship Church Hymnal Supplement, Thanks & Praise
Dean Gerald Field & David O’Shea - The Canticles at Morning and Evening Prayer
Dean Sandra Pragnell & Derek Verso - Space, sign and symbol in church; Music at the Eucharist
Mark Duley
Re-imagining a tradition: Schola Cantorum and St Nicholas Collegiate Church, Galway.
Encouraging congregational singing.
Peter Barley Introducing new repertoire
Aidan Greene - Gospel music in the liturgy: an Irish perspective
The Rev’d Dr Stanley Monkhouse - Role of the Church Musician
The Rev’d Dr Peter Thompson - The supplemental hymnal to CH5 and Choosing the hymns
Dean Tom Gordon - Why Christians Worship
Prof. John Harper - The future of church music
The Rev’d Gerald Field - The Liturgical Advisory Committee
Jonathan Rea - The changing focus of the church musician
Bishop Michael Burrows - Changing times for liturgical space
Róisín Dexter, with members of Discovery Gospel Choir - Gospel music workshop
Archdeacon Ricky Rountree - Music in non-eucharistic worship
Dr Harry Grindle - The role of the church musician
Mark Duley - Is Saul also among the prophets?
John Bell - Improving congregational song
The Rev’d Peter Moger - Music transforming worship
Archdeacon Edgar Swann - Worship and music: the Eucharist
Geoff Weaver - Getting people to sing
Fr Paul Kenny - Music in the Catholic parish
Prof. Gerard Gillen - The organ – a force to be reckoned with
The Rev’d Tom Gordon - Why Christians worship
John O’Keeffe - Integrating music into liturgy
Colin Mawby - The role of the church musician
Alison Cadden and Judy Martin - New approaches to singing the psalms
Dr Donald Davison - Hymns and spiritual songs
The Rev’d Tom Gordon - Why Christians worship
Fr Patrick Jones - Liturgical space
David McConnell - Christian hymnody
Archdeacon Edgar Swann - Making it work (in St Patrick’s Church, Greystones)
The Rev’d Tom Gordon - Why Christians worship
Dr Margaret Daly-Denton - The tools of worship
David McConnell - Christian hymnody
The Rev’d Tom Gordon - Making it work