The Crucifixion by John Stainer
Kevin O’Sullivan of Kilternan and the Lockdown Collaboration Choir with Big Red Box Media Ltd. have produced a full online performance of The Crucifixion which will be viewable at Kilternan Parish Church of Ireland’s YouTube from Palm Sunday. They are sharing several movements here in audio format. Kevin directs 70+ voices from across the country (and beyond) with Dr. David O’Shea on the organ of Sandford and soloists Rev. Jack Kinkead and Brian Hennessey.
These recordings are available for use during church services. You can simply play them direct from this web page. You may also download them using the links provided in the download section below.
The Agony before arrest

Fling wide the gates

The Mystery of the Divine Humiliation

God so loved the world

Litany of the Passion

The Mystery of Intercession

The Adoration of the Crucified

The Appeal of the Crucified

For the love of Jesus